The Padrón 60th Anniversary cigars are meticulously handcrafted by the most skilled rollers at the famous Padrón factory in EstelÃ, Nicaragua, created to mark the brand’s 60th year in business. Jorge Padrón, the current owner, continues the legacy of his father, José Orlando Padrón, who spent decades building Padrón cigars into one of the finest brands in the world. The 60th Anniversary cigar is a rare creation, drawn from the company’s oldest reserves of premium Nicaraguan long-filler tobaccos. This exceptional cigar is made in a 6.5-inch Salomon shape with a 56-ring gauge at its widest point, tapering down to a 48-ring gauge at its narrowest. It’s offered in both Natural and Maduro wrapper options. With classic tasting notes of cocoa, cedar, molasses, cinnamon, and nutmeg, this smooth, full-bodied smoke takes on a richer, sweeter character with the Maduro wrapper compared to the Natural. These limited-edition cigars come individually presented in elegant coffins, arranged in a high-gloss 10-count box. These will not last ! Order yours now.
Brand: Padron
Strength: Medium-Full
Size: 6.5 x 56
Country of Origin: NicaraguaWrapper: NicaraguaBinder: NicaraguaFiller: Nicaragua
Updated by TORO on: 12-03-2024 11:50:54 AM
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